Sunday, February 5, 2012

Just Nuke It!

Gripe #6 from Saturday 02/04/2012 Wisconsin State Journal:

Just Nuke it!

Here's a new one that some of you may or may not have heard about. This comes from the "Briefly" section of the paper. I guess this is their idea of a follow up on something that should be a much bigger deal. But, people that have money and pollute don't want this sort of stuff in the papers for weeks on end. Here's the blurb in its entirety, " Nuclear Plant: Illinois Emergency Management officials say lab tests show no measurable increase in radiation after steam was released to cool a northern Illinois nuclear reactor. Officials said Friday the sampling was conducted this week after a reactor lost power and shut down Monday at Byron Nuclear Power Plant." That's it. Don't be alarmed folks. Nothing to see here. "No measurable increase in radiation"? Where? Right outside the plant? Steam is hot. It rises into the air. It gets caught up in air currents. I don't know the wind patterns for the day but I'm sure that steam went somewhere. Chicago, perhaps. Do they have sensors spread across the countryside that are taking in the normal amount of radiation in the atmosphere everyday? And then I suppose they monitored that days leaked radiation numbers and compared it with a normal days radiation numbers and found " no measurable increase", right? Let's be very vague and get this out of the news cycle as fast as we can, ok. Right!

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