Sunday, February 5, 2012

Health care for non-Catholic workers in the employ of Catholic organizations should be left in the hands of God

Gripe #9 from the Saturday 02/04/2012 Wisconsin State Journal:

Health Care for non-Catholic workers in the employ of Catholic organizations should be left in the hands of God

From the "Your Views" Opinion Section (WiSt.J) A piece entitled, "New law threatens right to freedom of religion" by Dale Lawinger of Mineral Point. Here is his first paragraph from his excerpt: "Last Sunday Bishop Morlino had his priest read a letter to all who were at Mass about what the U.S. Department of Health recently announced: Catholic employers will be forced to offer their employees he...alth coverage that includes sterilization, abortion - inducing drugs and contraception". I'm sure there are plenty of little intricacies here that my simple mind has just ignored but, I'll give this a shot too. Yep, you're Catholic. You're a religion that likes to tell people what to do and force your will upon the world, and at the same time collect billions upon billions of dollars. I get it. You don't want someone telling you what to do. After all this is America and the government is supposed to keep its hands off my faith. Blah, Blah, Blah. That's about all I can take. I haven't read the government paperwork on this but I do have this to say. You, yourself, said the words, Mr Lawinger: "...employers will be forced to offer their employees health coverage...". "forced to offer", sure doesn't sound like you have to take them up on it. Sounds like they offer it to you and then like any good guilt ridden Catholic you decline the "sterilization, abortion-inducing drugs and contraception". How hard is to say no? Didn't they teach you that in Catholic school?

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