Sunday, February 5, 2012

How about jobs for all of us?

Gripe #7 from the Saturday 02/04/2012 Wisconsin State Journal

How about jobs for all of us?
Pertaining to WiStJ "Obama: Create more jobs for veterans" article. Things don't always appear crystal clear to me but most of the time I can see enough through some of the murkiness. I understand why Obama is on the veterans kick. Kiss up to them. Win their approval. Appear more nationalistic and patriotic and win the "hearts and minds" of soldiers/veterans to your side. Prove to them that care about them, win them over, and then use them as a pawn in the future. I get it. I do. But, wouldn't it be nice if all Americans that wanted and needed a job had one and not just veterans returning from conflicts that never should have happened in the first place. I'm sure some of you won't agree with what I'm saying but, I'll say it none-the-less. We are not, at this time, drafting soldiers for the armed forces. The soldiers entered into a contract with the government of their own free will and were then sent to distant lands where they saw and did unspeakable things. But, in my mind, that doesn't entitle them to any more of a leg up to a job than any other American. Jobs for all Americans! Not just the ones that did the hard work for the rich and powerful.

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